Ripley Co MO

Personal Genealogy Pages with a Ripley Co MO Connection

If you have a personal website (genealogy related) with info on Ripley Co ancestors, please forward me a link to that site and the title you want it posted under , and I will post it here.  If you have a family history report on someone in Ripley Co, format it as you would like it to appear, contact me and I can post it here.  Make sure you have an active email account included on the page for contact information.

Avance/Avants/Calicott Family Genealogy    Timothy Calicott's Home Page

Descendants of Jesse Richardson Pratt, Sr.

Grimmett Family Genealogy     Stacy Richardson's Home Page - LAFFERTY of Missouri and Indiana, FRANKLIN of Carter Co MO, MILLER of Howell Co MO, JONES of Oregon Co MO, MORGAN of Sullivan, Howell, and Linn Counties in Missouri

Keith Hale's Site Emmons, Webb, Nanna, Smelser

Linda (Susie) Patton's Homepage

Peggy Brooks Cannady Homepage Brooks, McDowell, Thompson, Lassen, Jorden

Pyett, McKinney, McDowell

Steve Looney

Tucker's Homepage     Joe & Ramona Napier Tucker Genealogy

Woolard of Pomeroy