Written on the back:
Beloved Brother and Sister
It is with pleasure that I sat myself down to let you know
that we are all well at this time. Hoping that when these few lines
come to hand they will find all well. I have nothing of interest to
write only How glad I would be to see you all. Margaret you can't
imagine how glad I would be to converse with you once more. Times is
tolerable good hear at this time. Their will good crops hear this
year. It(s) healthy hear as anywhere. The country is settling fast
if you do not come soon the land will all be settled up and no homes
for no one. I like this country well enough if I had anyone of my
brothers or sisters to live hear so I could see them once and
awhile. I am going to school at this time to a lady named Mrs.
Caroline Jackson. She is a splendid teacher I am ciphering some and
expect to study grammer some.. i am yong but it all goes in life
time. If I had my time to live over I would go to school three years
& study. We live first rate at the time. Sis goes to school to She
can spell in fore silabels some. Thomas is doing well . He sais he
sent his likeness and letter last week. You have get quit writing as
for the reason I can not tell, what is the reason? Sally Leer is
hear on a vist now. She sends her regards to you she is not stout as
she used to be she looks badly. I have received a letter from
Rira(?) lately they were bad heath with them Hannah had had the
measles and they had settled on her lungs and she had not got stout.
She had a sevre pain in her shoulder and side. She said she had
taken near a quart of Codfish oil. I suspect she will never be stout
as she has been. Margaret I want you to write and let me know how
you are getting along. I have wrote two letters and no answer. W B
,Margaret I want you to write both the children's names in full so I
will know what they are it will be a satifaction to know. I want to
see the children but I am not by my self now. Tom sent his likeness
to us last month it was mighty like him but his head and whisker was
black. Margaret kiss the children for me. This lace is for Hannah to
put on her everyday shimmy. Peg Mag Marg If you do not write soon I
will think hard as ice shore ginny. Give my respects to Mrs Peter
Goodwin and Mrs Baird and all who think worthwhile to inquire after

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