Ripley County
1890 Platt Map Ripley Co. MO
This project has been in the works for several years. The value
of this information is obvious as it names landowners living in Ripley
Co. Mo at the time when no census has survived.
There is of course a story that goes with this effort.
I made a trip to Doniphan to try and verify the maiden name of my
G-Grandmother. While digging through old papers etc. I
found this Platt map dated 1890. It's condition was bad. It
is in a very fragile state. I contacted the State Archives to see
if I could order the microfilm of it. Low and behold I find that
the map, even though it carries the sticker from the State Archives,
was never microfilmed. They do not have it. So very
gingerly the clerk and I managed to get a copy of it from the
original. Due to the size of the map it would be very expensive
to have it copied to put in book format so this is the alternative for
now. If we can, we plan on having it copied and put in book
format to sell for the benefit of the Ripley Co Historical
Society. But the info on the map has been transcribed as
below. And in the interest in keeping genealogy free it is here
for your use.
Keep in mind that this is the effort of many. I want to thank
them publically here.
Lou Wehmer for his assistance in checking for the missing map at the
state archives.
Pam Smith, transcription
Annetta Sue Allen, transcription
Rene D. Henthorn, transcription
Wanda Brown, transcription
Gene Marshal, transcription
Doris Harlan, transcription
Evelyn Canning, transcription
Delma McCowan, transcription
Jackie Wood, transcription
Sheila Berube, transcription and the very big job of putting all of
this into a working database for us.
Ray Burson for his efforts toward getting a working copy of this map
for us (pending).
This is a sample of what we were working with!
Also bear in mind that all townships were not there, many pages were
torn and had missing sections. There is also a section or two
that is still being worked on. I will add them as they are finished.
the find feature on your web browser to locate the name you are looking
for or just browse down. Bear in mind, you can look at this list
and tell who your ancestor's neighbors were. Relatives often
lived next door or across the road.
The townships that have been transcribed so far are the following
Township 21 Range 2 East
Township 21 Range 3 East
Township 22 Range 2 East
Township 22 Range 3 East
Township 23 Range 1 East
Township 23 Range 2 East
Township 24 Range 1 West
Township 24 Range 1 East
Township 24 Range 3 East
Township 24 Range 4 East
Township 25 Range 2 East
Township 25 Range 3 East
Township 25 Range 4 East
A note for newbies in land descriptions. I am working on a map to
show the locations of these townships. If you will look at a
county map you will find the Township and Range numbers printed along
the edge. The section numbers are printed within each section
numbering 1 through 36 for a full Township/Range. One section
equals one square mile. These numbers correspond with the legal
description you will find on a deed.
So what is Thomas Township you ask? These townships do not
correspond 100% with Township numbers. Township numbers are legal
designations given to property bought. Township names apply to
census townships. Go figure!
Township 21 Range 2 East
Scalls?, J.D. T21R2ES1
Borth, R. T21R2ES1
Ruff, John T21R2ES2
Scates?, C.C. T21R2ES2
Hood?, I.P. heirs T21R2ES3
Egan, M.C. T21R2ES3
Rodgers, r.S. T21R2ES4
McCauley, H.C. T21R2ES4
?, James M. T21R2ES4
Moor, S.P. T21R2ES5
Jones, Jno. M. T21R2ES5
Hall, Elizabeth T21R2ES5
inley, Richard T21R2ES6
Township 21 Range 3 East
Helton, James T21R3ES1
Armstrong, H.A. T21R3ES1
Stiger, A.H. T21R3ES1
McElrath, G.M. T21R3ES1
Wilson, T.J. T21R3ES1
Kelley, Wm. T21R3ES1
Misick, C.J. T21R3ES1
Township 22 Range 2 East
Charles Messenger T22R2E1
A.P. Russell T22R2E1
W.O. Proctor T22R2E1
Jas. Frantz T22R2E1
W.F. Dudley T22R2E1
Riley Dudley T22R2E1
Crow T22R2E2
M.E. Ingram T22R2E2
A.J. Ponder T22R2E2
R.F. Towles T22R2E2
Jno. A. Towles T22R2E2
William Stewart T22R2E2
W.A. Cramer T22R2E2
Strong T22R2E2
Wm. Stanton T22R2E2
E.E. Cramer T22R2E2
J.W.Rawley T22R2E2
Ellen Saulin T22R2E2
? Miller T22R2E2
H. Keith T22R2E2
Chaplian T22R2E3
Etton Sandlins T22R2E3
Mary Klien T22R2E3
E. L. Lacey T22R2E3
W.E.White T22R2E3
Rosa B Lacey T22R2E3
H.C. Erb T22R2E3
M.Williams T22R2E3
A.J. Ponder T22R2E3
Mary Klien T22R2E4
W.W. Mosy T22R2E4
E.O. Hit T22R2E4
R.L. Malrey T22R2E4
W.W. Moss T22R2E4
T.J. Price T22R2E4
R.L. Malrey T22R2E4
E. M. Vaughn T22R2E5
E.S. Williams T22R2E5
Mary Gardner T22R2E5
Samuel Bingham T22R2E5
A. Holt T22R2E5
Mary Price T22R2E5
Frank McKennell T22R2E6
A Elockengeiser T22R2E6
Marcus Milir T22R2E6
Frank Maxwell T22R2E6
J.T. Harmon T22R2E6
H.P. Patterson T22R2E7
R.S. Ryan T22R2E7
X.R. Jaco (could be Y or
V) T22R2E7
E.W. Baird est T22R2E8
Samuel Bingham T22R2E8
David Ingersoll T22R2E8
Henry Bechtold T22R2E8
C.P. Fuller T22R2E9
S. Goodspeed T22R2E9
E.W. Price T22R2E9
Aaron Price T22R2E9
H.C. Gilbert T22R2E9
Bill Kirkpatrick T22R2E9
R. Towles T22R2E9
P. Miller T22R2E9
Ebe T22R2E9
Erb T22R2E10
J.M. Bowman T22R2E10
Ebe Freeman T22R2E10
M.A. Russell T22R2E10
G. L. McAfee T22R2E10
B. Lacey T22R2E10
W.E. Picking T22R2E10
F. Young T22R2E10
A. Collins T22R2E11
McClairn T22R2E11
E. J. Towles T22R2E11
W.L. Lordy T22R2E11
Dan Humberger T22R2E11
C.W. Baird est T22R2E11
E.V. Tuttle T22R2E12
A. Collins T22R2E12
J.S. Book T22R2E12
C.W. Baird est T22R2E12
J. M. McCauley T22R2E12
W.E. White T22R2E13
C.W. Baird est T22R2E13
Miss Co. T22R2E13
W.P. Loftes T22R2E14
L.F. Young T22R2E14
D.E. Lorey T22R2E14
B.F. Lorey T22R2E14
C.H. Eagan T22R2E14
P.A. Patterson T22R2E14
A.W. Dudley T22R2E15
Geo. Kamell T22R2E15
J.J. Dudley T22R2E15
Albert Lewis T22R2E15
W.A. Barnes T22R2E15
C.I. Erb est T22R2E15
J.J. Alexander T22R2E16
J.A. Lewis T22R2E16
Aaron Price T22R2E16
R.P Johnson T22R2E16
John C Fry T22R2E16
W.M. Proctor est T22R2E16
John Lewis T22R2E16
Tom&Daniel Patterson T22R2E17
J.A. Hilstach T22R2E17
A.C.(?) T22R2E17
Saul Ingersall T22R2E17
Geo. W. Nicholson T22R2E18
C.Y. (?) T22R2E18
Julius Hellman T22R2E18
Nancy Watkins T22R2E19
H.C. Erb T22R2E19
W.B. Richmond T22R2E19
W.J. Johnson T22R2E19
W.T. Marshall T22R2E19
Jno. Williams T22R2E20
Wm. Miller T22R2E20
James McKenzie T22R2E20
B.A. Butler T22R2E20
? Marshall T22R2E20
H.C. Erb T22R2E21
A.M. Dudley T22R2E21
Audie McCarcy T22R2E21
T.G. Lee T22R2E21
Trammel T22R2E21
Miss Co. T22R2E21
Samuel P Mizell T22R2E21
E. Brashear T22R2E22
W.A. Barnes T22R2E22
Mary E Fisher T22R2E22
Jas. Foster T22R2E22
J.A. Shoppar T22R2E22
I.L. Lee T22R2E22
W.H. Fugates T22R2E23
J.A. Thomas T22R2E23
J.E. Courter T22R2E23
T.M. Fisher T22R2E23
H.A. Bechtold T22R2E23
F.M. ? T22R2E23
James Scates T22R2E23
Hiram Lowry T22R2E24
J.A. Thomas T22R2E24
J.E. Courter T22R2E24
John Lowry T22R2E24
H.M. Pratt T22R2E24
S.P. Spencer T22R2E25
W.H. Merrill T22R2E25
G.N. McCauley T22R2E25
? Erb T22R2E25
Dennis Erb T22R2E25
C.D. McNeil T22R2E25
R.K. Cougit (?) T22R2E25
R. W. Rumfelt T22R2E26
Wm. Kimble T22R2E26
W.R. Woodall T22R2E26
Dennis Erb T22R2E26
J.A. Thomas T22R2E26
W.T. McCauley T22R2E26
G.N. McCauley T22R2E26
Wm. Towles T22R2E26
J.D. McNatt T22R2E26
W.O. Proctor T22R2E26
J. Holder T22R2E27
Spenar Brown T22R2E27
W.M. Rice T22R2E27
T.H. Hawkins T22R2E27
J.O. Catlin T22R2E27
W.E. Perry T22R2E27
C.B. Rollins T22R2E27
Henry Foster T22R2E27
J. Stanley T22R2E27
Thomas Matthews T22R2E28
J. K. Langford T22R2E28
S.S. Hale T22R2E29
Jos. Franz T22R2E29
J.R. Ingram T22R2E29
Elizabeth Dizmang T22R2E29
M.J. Mathews T22R2E29
B.F. Taylor T22R2E29
John Fritz T22R2E30
J.A. Hopkins T22R2E30
B.A. Ligate T22R2E30
M.C. Poyner T22R2E30
J.A. Christian T22R2E30
Ben Ligate T22R2E30
Lidnard Tinley T22R2E31
W.A. Huber T22R2E31
F.C. Carlton T22R2E31
W.J. R. (?) T22R2E31
B.F. Taylor T22R2E31
J.P. Brown T22R2E32
B.F. Taylor T22R2E32
Andrew Dizmang T22R2E32
Granville Wright T22R2E32
Elizabeth Hall T22R2E32
John T Nun T22R2E33
S.D. Caldwell T22R2E33
M. Jones T22R2E33
F.H. Hawkins T22R2E33
W.H. Hawkins T22R2E34
L.F. Endsley T22R2E34
J.N. Ballard T22R2E34
James M. Moore T22R2E34
L.D. Bryan T22R2E34
A. Elockengeiser T22R2E34
H.C. McCauley T22R2E34
L.A. Trundle T22R2E34
J. Woodall T22R2E35
T.P. Eagan T22R2E35
Harriet M. Marcum T22R2E35
Sarah Legate T22R2E35
J.P. Shemwell T22R2E35
B.R. Rumfelt T22R2E35
A.B. Rodgers T22R2E35
W.I. Rodgers T22R2E35
John F. Ruff T22R2E35
W.H. Merrell T22R2E36
W. Kelly T22R2E36
John C. Gerrish T22R2E36
C.C. Scales T22R2E36
R.W. Rumfelt T22R2E36
T. Mabry T22R2E36
Township 22 Range 3 East
Eaton, Z.A. T22R3ES1
Elliot, M.J. T22R3ES1
Elliot, J.S. T22R3ES1
Harrison, J.H. T22R3ES1
Blevins, P.H. T22R3ES1
Venable, W.F. T22R3ES1
Venable, O.D. T22R3ES1
Schnotmeir, T22R3ES1
Venable, R.H. T22R3ES1
Calvin, T22R3ES1
Adams, E. T22R3ES1
Wygant, E.L. T22R3ES2
Cooper, H.C. T22R3ES2
Shickles, D.A. T22R3ES2
Patterson, John O. T22R3ES2
Smart, M.L. T22R3ES2
Dickey, Calvin T22R3ES2
Elliott, J.S. T22R3ES2
Venable, J.F. T22R3ES2
Andrews, W. T22R3ES2
Shickles, D.A. T22R3ES3
Hillenburg, J.W. T22R3ES3
Whitlow, S.R. T22R3ES3
Roberts, Eva T22R3ES3
Silvers, H ? T22R3ES3
Patterson, Henry T22R3ES3
Lum, J.W. T22R3ES3
Arthur, J.D. T22R3ES3
St.LIM & S. Ry Co. T22R3ES3
Cline, B.M. T22R3ES3
Yocum, D.J. T22R3ES4
Knowlton, Levi T22R3ES4
Yocum, D.J. T22R3ES5
Knowlton, Levi T22R3ES5
Butler, C.B. T22R3ES5
Wolland, Edwin T22R3ES5
Hancock, T.G. T22R3ES5
Wolland, H.R. T22R3ES6
Stilwell, F.L ? T22R3ES6
Richmond, J.W. T22R3ES6
Norman, H.J. T22R3ES6
Siper, Wesley T22R3ES6
Sipes, Mahala T22R3ES6
Aufderhide, L.G. T22R3ES6
Aufderhide, L.G. T22R3ES7
Armstrong, W.A. trustee T22R3ES7
Ladd, P.B. T22R3ES8
Payne, James E T22R3ES8
Hill, G G. T22R3ES8
Johnson, Gust T22R3ES8
Dumond, R.M. T22R3ES8
Dumond, James A. T22R3ES8
Knowlton, Levi T22R3ES9
Dunn, John T22R3ES10
Davis, James T22R3ES10
Snyder, I.T. T22R3ES10
Severs, Martin T22R3ES10
Goe, W.J. T22R3ES10
Robb, A.M. T22R3ES10
Stillwell, Emily T22R3ES10
Smith, R.J. T22R3ES11
Killenberg, G.N. T22R3ES11
Hasting, J.W. T22R3ES11
Dickey, Calvin T22R3ES11
Quentine, John B T22R3ES11
Atrbery, W.J. T22R3ES11
Poe, W.J. T22R3ES11
Bernheim, G.H. T22R3ES12
Bernheim, G.H. T22R3ES13
Hines, M.A. T22R3ES13
Franklin, John T22R3ES13
Autry, N.M. T22R3ES13
Hastings, J.H. T22R3ES13
Stillwell, Emily T22R3ES14
Poe, W.J. T22R3ES14
Robb, A.M. T22R3ES14
Colburn, S.K. T22R3ES14
Colburn, J.W. T22R3ES14
Colburn, J.R. T22R3ES14
Quentine, John B T22R3ES14
Floyd, J.B. T22R3ES14
Floyd, B.M. T22R3ES15
Morgan, Basha T22R3ES15
Stillwell, Emily T22R3ES15
H. Vincent College T22R3ES15
Clarke, R. T22R3ES15
McCleary, Gus T22R3ES15
Harring, Mary Maw? T22R3ES16
Nunnelee, John H. T22R3ES16
N.W. 1/4 can't make out T22R3ES16
Benn, Sam'l T22R3ES16
Foster, S.M. T22R3ES16
Molsbee, J.T. T22R3ES16
Lane, W.F. T22R3ES16
Payne, W.T. T22R3ES17
Missouri Trust Co. T22R3ES17
Newsom, H.J. T22R3ES17
Johnson, Gust T22R3ES17
NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 can't read
Armstrong, W.J. T22R3ES18
Neal, G.A. T22R3ES18
Aufderhide, L.F. T22R3ES18
St.LIM & S. Ry Co. T22R3ES19
Anderson, H.J. T22R3ES19
Kelley, Wm T22R3ES19
Lowry, John T22R3ES19
Lowry, Hirum T22R3ES19
Lowry, John T22R3ES20
Morris, Catherine T22R3ES20
Danaday, M.S. T22R3ES20
Morrison, F.R. T22R3ES20
Goin, H.H. T22R3ES20
Swartz, D.G. T22R3ES20
Miller, John T22R3ES21
Moslbee, J.T. T22R3ES21
Cantril, J.B. T22R3ES21
Beall, L.D. T22R3ES21
Borch?, J.R. T22R3ES21
Clark, Richard T22R3ES21
Pennington, Sal T22R3ES22
Riley, Jonah T22R3ES22
Borch & Barnett T22R3ES22
Cline, R.G. T22R3ES22
Borch, J.R. T22R3ES22
Baldridge, Joseph T22R3ES22
Cox, Ben F. T22R3ES22
Hogan, Dora T22R3ES23
Bethel, Wm T22R3ES23
Crutchfield, P.A. T22R3ES23
Asher, George T22R3ES23
Iowa Spa??? T22R3ES23
Colburn, O.N. T22R3ES24
Pratt, Henry T22R3ES24
Hill, Cane T22R3ES24
Kittridge, D.C. T22R3ES24
Crutchfield, P.A. T22R3ES24
Schnaeberger, J.H. T22R3ES24
Borch, Barrett & Co. T22R3ES24
Jourdan, C.M. T22R3ES25
Asher, george T22R3ES25
Bethell, Martha T22R3ES25
White, J.B. T22R3ES25
Horton L& L Co. T22R3ES25
Heso, C.A. T22R3ES25
Adams, James E. T22R3ES26
Lane, A.T. T22R3ES26
Jourdan, C.M. T22R3ES26
Daubs, J.H. T22R3ES26
Brown, D.A. T22R3ES26
Register, A.H. T22R3ES26
Beall, L.D. T22R3ES26
Uncles, J.H. T22R3ES27
Hume, J.C. T22R3ES27
Hume, O.L. T22R3ES27
Kugbaum, Elbert T22R3ES27
Misbet, Samuel T22R3ES27
Catlett, P.M. T22R3ES27
Gayle, Oscar T22R3ES27
Mills, J.L. T22R3ES27
Mitchell, C.H. T22R3ES27
Mitchell, John T22R3ES27
Harrison, Ed. T22R3ES27
Urling, Henry T22R3ES28
Osborn, T.E. T22R3ES28
Osborn, C.M. T22R3ES28
Osborn, S.L. T22R3ES28
Schwarz, Andrew T22R3ES28
Cross, Maggie T22R3ES28
Borr, E.J. T22R3ES29
Goin, John T22R3ES29
Colburn, C.H. T22R3ES29
Osborn, Chas. T22R3ES29
Hiyates? Britton T22R3ES29
Miller, G.W. T22R3ES29
A.C. T22R3ES29
Sherrick, David T22R3ES29
Merrill, W.H. T22R3ES30
A.C. T22R3ES30
Posey, J.J. T22R3ES30
Merrill, W.H. T22R3ES31
Posey, J.J. T22R3ES31
Kelley, J.F. T22R3ES31
Kelley, Wm T22R3ES31
Armstrong, W.A. T22R3ES31
Misick, C.J. T22R3ES31
Inshaven, T.W. T22R3ES31
Kelley, J.F. T22R3ES32
Young,L.F. T22R3ES32
Wilson, G.L. T22R3ES32
Wilson, S.F. T22R3ES32
Herr, H.C. T22R3ES32
Moor, Byan? T22R3ES32
Miller, J.C. T22R3ES32
Armstrong, W.A. T22R3ES32
McElrath, George T22R3ES32
St.LIM & S. Ry Co. T22R3ES32
Young, L.F. T22R3ES33
Christie, H.L. T22R3ES33
Allen, Mary T22R3ES33
Wolf, J.D. T22R3ES33
Bell, J.B. T22R3ES34
Bass, Jno H. T22R3ES34
Severs, James T22R3ES34
Miller, John T22R3ES34
Bisbet, daniel T22R3ES34
Lucket, J.A. T22R3ES34
Barnhart, Nick T22R3ES34
Barnhart, Frank T22R3ES34
Hume, E.L. T22R3ES34
Cox, Lem J T22R3ES35
Severs, James T22R3ES35
Beall, L.D. T22R3ES35
Deen.S.L. T22R3ES35
Wright, T.L. T22R3ES35
Bell, J.B. & Murphy, Alex T22R3ES35
Heso, C.A. T22R3ES36
Bell, L.D. T22R3ES36
Murphy, Alex T22R3ES36
Goff, R.A. T22R3ES36
Hall, J.D. T22R3ES36
Pennington, A.F. T22R3ES36
Short, Oliver T22R3ES36
Keith, J.T. T22R3ES36
Ward, John T22R3ES36
Rush, H.D. T24R1ES1
Wright, T.L. T24R1ES1
Township 23 Range 1 East
Trotter, D.M. T23R1E1
Davis, Geo T. T23R1E1
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T23R1E2
Williams, C.D. T23R1E2
C.D & L.Co T23R1E3
Williams, C.D. T23R1E3
Goff, R.A. T23R1E3
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T23R1E3
Williams, C.D. T23R1E4
C.S. & L. Co. T23R1E5
Williams, C.D. T23R1E5
Lord ?,Don T23R1E5
Lacey, F.D. T23R1E6
W.L. Co. T23R1E6
Goff, Robt. T23R1E6
Doniphan Lumber Co. T23R1E6
Alden, C.F. T23R1E6
Hartley, Ella T23R1E7
Mabrey, Thos. T23R1E7
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T23R1E8
Williams, C.D. T23R1E9
Hughes, F.M. T23R1E9
Williams, C.D. T23R1E10
Williams, C.D. T23R1E11
McManus, J.H. T23R1E11
Phillips Investment Co. T23R1E11
Rush, H.D. T23R1E12
Forbes, D.H. T23R1E12
Phillips Investment Co. T23R1E12
Buckley, Frances T23R1E12
McManus, J.H. T23R1E13
Wilson, Wm. T23R1E13
Roberts, N.J. T23R1E13
Hining?, Van B. T23R1E13
Young, J.F. T23R1E13
Williams, C.D. T23R1E13
Dailey, M. T23R1E13
McManus, J.H. T23R1E14
Priest, W.C. T23R1E14
Williams, C.D. T23R1E14
Rollings,Mike T23R1E14
Ponder, A.J. T23R1E15
Rollings,Mike T23R1E15
Williams, C.D. T23R1E15
Williams, Emma T23R1E15
Milch or Mitch,J.E. T23R1E15
Worley,Eliza E. T23R1E15
Camp, A.C. T23R1E15
Worley,Eliza E. T23R1E16
Hughes, F.M. T23R1E16
Sherley, F.M. T23R1E16
Williams, C.D. T23R1E17
Phillips Investment Co. T23R1E17
Fogle (2) T23R1E17
Lenny or Lemmy or Lermy T23R1E17
Forbes, G.H. T23R1E17
Little, M. T23R1E17
Missouri Land (4) T23R1E18
Little, M. T23R1E18
Forbes, D.H. T23R1E18
Phillips Investment Co. T23R1E18
Forbes, D.H. T23R1E19
Blake, Wm. T23R1E19
Cun?,J. T23R1E19
Phillips Investment Co. T23R1E19
Williams, Clyde E. T23R1E20
little, M.D. T23R1E20
Phillips Investment Co. T23R1E20
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T23R1E21
Sherley, F.M. T23R1E21
Freeman, Van T23R1E21
Neal T23R1E21
May or Young, Leaf T23R1E21
McManus, H. T23R1E22
Jones, J.W. T23R1E22
Hoover, W.T. T23R1E22
Young, L. T23R1E22
Young, Van B T23R1E23
Young, Jno.W. T23R1E23
L.P.B. T23R1E23
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T23R1E23
Rollins, Mike T23R1E24
Rollins, John T23R1E24
Dainley, M. T23R1E24
Phillips Investment Co. T23R1E24
Lewis, Isaac T23R1E24
Phillips Investment Co. T23R1E25
Mabrey, R. L. T23R1E25
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T23R1E25
Forbes, D.H. T23R1E26
Parsons, A.H. T23R1E27
Freeman, Van T23R1E27
Goodman, S. T23R1E27
Lewis, ? T23R1E27
Frank, H.C. T23R1E27
Forbes, D.H. T23R1E28
Phillips Investment Co. T23R1E28
Smith, W. T23R1E29
Little, Hardy T23R1E29
Forbes, D.H. T23R1E29
Burlison, S.J. T23R1E29
Lindley, K.C. T23R1E29
Phillips Investment Co. T23R1E30
Forbes, D.H. T23R1E30
Neal ? T23R1E30
Elkins, Robert T23R1E31
Blake, Wm. T23R1E31
S. L. T23R1E31
Forster, A.M. T23R1E31
L.M. T23R1E31
Gilling,Wm.L. T23R1E31
Forbes, D.H. T23R1E32
Chossen,A.W. T23R1E32
Phillips Investment Co. T23R1E32
Kennon, J.M. T23R1E32
Phillips Investment Co. T23R1E33
Little, D.J. T23R1E33
Bulison, Wm. T23R1E33
Bason, D.P. T23R1E33
Kennon, J.M. T23R1E34
Forbes, D.H. T23R1E34
Wells, John T23R1E34
Gray, Lydia T23R1E34
Dotson, A.L. T23R1E35
Mulcahy, Ed. T23R1E35
Forbes, D.H. T23R1E35
Wells, John T23R1E35
Bushy, W.F. T23R1E35
Forbes, D.H. T23R1E36
Mulcahy, Edw T23R1E36
West, N.C. T23R1E36
Worley, C.C. T23R1E36
Doyle, C.H. T23R1E36
Township 23 Range 2 East
bor, Henry T23R2E1
Borth, J.B. T23R2E1
Thurman, J.S.est T23R2E1
Murray, S.E. T23R2E1
R-mley, John T23R2E1
Smelser, S.W. T23R2E1
Murray, Van T23R2E1
Bacon, D.P. T23R2E1
Scott, J.E. T23R2E1
Keith, Jno.T. T23R2E2
Wright, B.F. T23R2E2
rook, J T23R2E2
Payne, G T23R2E2
Payne, F. T23R2E2
Grace, ;M.A. T23R2E2
Till T23R2E2
Fritz T23R2E2
Little, T.B. T23R2E3
Phillips Investment Co. T23R2E3
Claypool, James M. T23R2E3
Grace, M.A. T23R2E3
Payne, Z.B. T23R2E3
Payen, E. T23R2E3
Richmond, T23R2E3
J.E. T23R2E3
Eaton, Z.A. T23R2E4
Phillips Investment Co. T23R2E4
Payne, Lewis T23R2E4
Phillips Investment Co. T23R2E5
Dickey, S.L. T23R2E5
Trotter, A.J. T23R2E5
Missouri Lumber &Mining Co T23R2E5
O'Neill, T.A. T23R2E5
Ausley, Ed. T23R2E6
Trotter, A.J. T23R2E6
Trotter, G.W. T23R2E6
McManus, J.H. T23R2E6
B.D.P. T23R2E6
Y.D.B. T23R2E6
Phillips Investment Co. T23R2E7
Borth, Wm T23R2E7
O'Neill, T.A. T23R2E7
McManus, J.H. T23R2E7
Missouri Lumber &Mining Co T23R2E7
B.D.P. T23R2E7
O'Neill, T.A. T23R2E8
Bacon, D.P. T23R2E8
Davis, J.S. T23R2E8
Dickey, S.L. T23R2E8
Missouri Lumber &Mining Co T23R2E8
Payne, Lewis T23R2E9
Phillips Investment Co. T23R2E9
B , J.R. T23R2E9
Little, T.B. T23R2E9
Payne, Lewis T23R2E10
Payne, Z.B. T23R2E10
Little, T.B. T23R2E10
Rush, H.D. T23R2E10
Walker, L. J. T23R2E11
Rush, H.D. T23R2E11
Forbes, D.H. est T23R2E11
Sheppard, J.C. T23R2E12
Sullivan, J.F. T23R2E12
Sullivan, J.A. T23R2E12
Bacon, D.P. T23R2E12
Phillips Investment Co. T23R2E12
Hawkins, Edward est T23R2E12
Sullivan, Jesse A. T23R2E12
Van Fintel, E.N. T23R2E12
Ricklin, Chas T23R2E12
Reckline, Charles T23R2E12
Neal, Geo. A. T23R2E13
O'Neill, John T23R2E13
Bacon, D.P. T23R2E13
1/4 unreadable
Cline, Geo. W. T23R2E14
Forbes, D. H. est T23R2E14
Austin, W.L. T23R2E14
Borth, John T23R2E14
Neal, Geo. A. T23R2E14
Griffin, J.A. T23R2E14
Pickens, G.W. T23R2E15
Cline, Geo. W. T23R2E15
Leroux, J.A. T23R2E15
Little, T.B. T23R2E15
Richmond, James T23R2E15
A.C. T23R2E15
Worley, Emma T23R2E15
Willis, Arch T23R2E16
Camp, A.C. T23R2E16
Worley, Emma T23R2E16
Rush, H.D. T23R2E16
Stewart, John M T23R2E17
Tracy, J.H. T23R2E18
Missouri Lumber &Mining Co T23R2E18
? , James A. T23R2E18
Worley, ? T23R2E18
Bacon, D.P. T23R2E19
McManus, J.H. T23R2E20
Barr, H.W. T23R2E20
Barr, Lewis E. T23R2E20
Seymore, J.J. T23R2E20
?, D.C. T23R2E20
Barr, Lewis E. T23R2E21
Barr, James M. T23R2E21
Richardson, A.T. T23R2E21
Gartman, John T23R2E21
Wills, Arch T23R2E21
Hicks, E.R. T23R2E21
?gis, T23R2E21
Hicks, E.R. T23R2E22
Lee, J.A. T23R2E22
Lee, Milbourn T23R2E22
Lee, Maudie T23R2E22
Casteel, David T23R2E22
Gray, Mar ry T23R2E23
Wharley, Samuel T23R2E23
He se, Chas. T23R2E23
Mis , C.J. T23R2E23
Cude, Lula T23R2E23
Procto r, S.A. T23R2E23
Neal, Geo. A. T23R2E23
Buick, S.W. T23R2E23
E , Robert T23R2E23
Lutwell, E.O. T23R2E23
Bell or Beal, R.W. T23R2E23
Neal, Geo. A. T23R2E24
Sullican, J.F. T23R2E24
McE ram, N.M. T23R2E24
Phillips Investment Co. T23R2E24
Clark, R.L. T23R2E24
?, George W. T23R2E24
? ,Jeff T23R2E25
Ponder, A.R. T23R2E25
Ponder, D.K. T23R2E25
Phillips Investment Co. T23R2E25
Speers, W.H. T23R2E25
Harris, L T23R2E25
Hancock, J.G. T23R2E25
Lewis, John C. T23R2E25
? , E.A. T23R2E25
Barnes, W.A. T23R2E26
Ponder,D.K. T23R2E26
Ponder, A.J. T23R2E26
? , B.A. T23R2E26
Hicks, J.L. T23R2E27
Mabrey, Thos. T23R2E27
Ponder, A.J. T23R2E28
Barr, Jerry A. T23R2E28
Rigsby, Sarah T23R2E28
Mabrey, Thos. T23R2E28
Doyle, C.H. T23R2E28
Smith, Daniel T23R2E28
Badgley, Susan T23R2E29
Barr, Lewis E. T23R2E29
Leach, F.A. T23R2E29
Neal, Geo. A. T23R2E29
B.D.P. T23R2E30
Barr, Jerry A. T23R2E30
Buffington, Sam'l A. T23R2E30
Barr, J.M. T23R2E30
Richardson, A.J. or T. T23R2E31
Doyle, C.H. T23R2E31
Pickett, W.N. T23R2E31
Stephens, W.H. T23R2E31
Gartman, Jasper T23R2E31
Anglin, J.A. T23R2E31
O'Leary, G.W. T23R2E32
W. L. Co T23R2E32
Lucas, J.D. T23R2E32
Barr, Jerry A. T23R2E32
Kle n, J.F. T23R2E32
Lucas, J.H. T23R2E33
Ponder, A.J. T23R2E33
Barnes,J. T23R2E33
Malbry, Thom T23R2E33
Atkinson, ? T23R2E33
Malbrey, Thomas T23R2E34
Kellogg, G.C. T23R2E34
Atkinson, ? T23R2E34
Milan, P.F.M. T23R2E34
St ghton, Jos T23R2E34
Richmond, A.E. T23R2E34
Henson, J.S. T23R2E34
Burge, T.L. T23R2E34
Danner, Minnie T23R2E34
K.M.C. T23R2E34
Davis, J.M. T23R2E35
Burge, T.L. T23R2E35
Richmond, A.E. T23R2E35
Langford, James H. or K. T23R2E35
Slifer, Aaron T23R2E35
Young, John T23R2E35
Clark, Thos. T23R2E35
Miller, L.D. T23R2E35
Sh rum, R.A. T23R2E35
Harrington, W.H. T23R2E36
H kinson, B.F. T23R2E36
Maxwell, Frank T23R2E36
Page, Jeff G. T23R2E36
Harris, L T23R2E36
Phillips Investment Co. T23R2E36
Johnson, Gust T23R2E36
Miller, L.D. T23R2E36
Township 24 Range 1 West
Whitwell, A.J. T24R1WS1
Glocker T24R1WS1
Hunter & Grandin T24R1WS1
Schafer Bros. T24R1WS2
Schafer Bros. T24R1WS3
Hunter & Grandin T24R1WS3
C. S. & L. Co. T24R1WS3
Schafer Bros. T24R1WS4
Culberston, W.C. T24R1WS5
Schafer Bros. T24R1WS5
Hunter & Grandin T24R1WS6
C.S. & L. Co T24R1WS6
M.L. & M. Co. T24R1WS6
Schafer Bros. T24R1WS6
Noble, B.R. T24R1WS6
Lucas, T.F. T24R1WS7
Hunter & Grandin T24R1WS7
Sanders, Malissa T24R1WS7
Hilton, J.H. T24R1WS8
C.S. & L. Co T24R1WS8
Hunter & Grandin T24R1WS8
Peterson, O.R. T24R1WS8
Fair, Mary E. T24R1WS9
C.S. & L. Co T24R1WS9
Fair, Mary E. T24R1WS10
Hunter & Grandin T24R1WS10
Fair, Mary E. T24R1WS11
C.S. & L. Co T24R1WS11
Ca. Baker EST. T24R1WS11
Hunter & Grandin T24R1WS12
Hunter & Grandin T24R1WS13
Whitwell, A.J. T24R1WS13
Lyon, James M T24R1WS14
Gordan, ? T. T24R1WS14
Lyon, James M T24R1WS15
C.S. & L. Co T24R1WS15
Culberston, S. & L. Co T24R1WS16
Churchill, John T24R1WS17
C.S. & L. Co T24R1WS17
Rush, W.L. T24R1WS18
Swain, ? T24R1WS18
Sanders, ? T24R1WS18
C.S. & L. Co T24R1WS18
Tower, George F. est T24R1WS19
Martin, F.M. T24R1WS19
Hilton, G.W. T24R1WS19
Crane, Thomas D. T24R1WS19
MacMasters, ? T24R1WS19
Borden, True T24R1WS19
Borden, F.M. T24R1WS19
Mar???,D.H. T24R1WS19
Hilton, S.T. T24R1WS20
Sprague,A.L. T24R1WS20
Stanley, H.C. T24R1WS20
Fox, Nellie T. T24R1WS20
Hunter & Grandin T24R1WS20
Missouri Lumber &Mining Co T24R1WS21
Bumgardner, A.M. T24R1WS21
Missouri Lumber &Mining Co T24R1WS21
C.S. & L. Co T24R1WS21
Hunter & Grandin T24R1WS22
C.S. & L. Co T24R1WS22
Hunter & Grandin T24R1WS23
Schafer Bros. T24R1WS23
Hunter & Grandin T24R1WS24
Schafer Bros. T24R1WS24
Whitwell, A.J. T24R1WS24
Lyon, James M T24R1WS25
C.S. & L. Co T24R1WS25
most section gone
Hunter & Grandin T24R1WS26
Summers, ?A. T24R1WS26
most section gone
Hunter & Grandin T24R1WS27
White, W.H. T24R1WS28
Langford, James C T24R1WS28
Missouri Lumber &Mining Co T24R1WS28
Mallace, Mrs. C. T24R1WS28
Noble, B.R. T24R1WS29
Sprague,A.L. T24R1WS29
Eaton, C.B. T24R1WS29
Missouri Lumber &Mining Co T24R1WS29
Davis, J.M. T24R1WS29
Stanley, H.C. T24R1WS29
Gamsell, Susan T24R1WS30
Hills, J. T24R1WS30
C.S. & L. Co T24R1WS30
Stone, E.B. T24R1WS30
Miller, J.T. or (G.) T24R1WS30
Martin, Jonathan T24R1WS30
Drane, J.R. T24R1WS30
Section 31 gone
M.L. & L. Co. T24R1WS32
McColloch, Hugh T24R1WS33
Booth, J.J. T24R1WS33
McColloch, Hugh T24R1WS34
Stewart, Charles T24R1WS34
Levin, A. T24R1WS35
Potter, Leander T24R1WS35
Ross, Cal. W. T24R1WS35
Section 36 gone
Township 24 Range 1 East
Rush, H.D. T24R1ES1
Wright, T.L. T24R1ES1
Richardson, W.H T24R1ES1
Noble, B.R. T24R1ES1
Doniphan Lumber Co. T24R1ES1
Rush, H.D. T24R1ES2
Pierce, H.C. T24R1ES2
Short, S. T24R1ES2
Lasseri, A.S. T24R1ES2
Richardson, W.H T24R1ES2
Emmert, C.E. T24R1ES2
Missouri Lumber Co T24R1ES2
Bates, M.W. T24R1ES3
Missouri Lumber Co T24R1ES3
Young, G. T24R1ES4
Missouri Lumber Co T24R1ES4
Rush, H.D. T24R1ES4
Kitchens, L T24R1ES4
Noble, B.R. T24R1ES4
Short, S. T24R1ES4
Short, S. T24R1ES5
Doniphan Lumber Co. T24R1ES5
Elkins,T.N. T24R1ES5
Huzastadt, A. T24R1ES5
Noble, B.R. T24R1ES6
Missouri Lumber Co T24R1ES6
Short, S. T24R1ES6
Missouri Lumber Co T24R1ES7
Hunter, T. T24R1ES7
Naudin T24R1ES7
C.S. & L. Co T24R1ES7
Holland, J T24R1ES8
Stewart, J.D. T24R1ES8
Hines T24R1ES8
Stewart, J.D. T24R1ES9
Short, S. T24R1ES9
Hunter & Grandin T24R1ES10
Stewart, J.D. T24R1ES10
C.S. & L. Co T24R1ES10
Randell, J.M. T24R1ES10
Aldridge, C.H. T24R1ES10
Missouri Lumber Co T24R1ES10
Whitwell, A.J. T24R1ES11
Crandel, W.A. T24R1ES11
Phillips, W.K. T24R1ES11
Rush, H.D. T24R1ES12
Hungerford, S.R. T24R1ES12
C.S. & L. Co T24R1ES13
Whitwell, A.J. T24R1ES14
White, A.J. T24R1ES14
Culbroken, W.C. T24R1ES14
Stewart, J.D. T24R1ES14
Raudil, V.M. T24R1ES14
Praxton, H.C. T24R1ES15
Bates, M.W. T24R1ES15
Doniphan Lumber Co. T24R1ES15
Hunter & Grandin T24R1ES15
Camp, Mrs.N. T24R1ES15
Stewart, J.D. T24R1ES15
Doniphan Lumber Co. T24R1ES16
Stewart, J.D. T24R1ES17
Short, S. T24R1ES17
Hunter & Grandin T24R1ES17
Whitwell, P.E. T24R1ES18
Dons Lumber Co. T24R1ES18
Phillips Invest. Co. T24R1ES18
Whitwell, A.J. T24R1ES18
Richardson, N. T24R1ES19
Atkinson, W.F T24R1ES19
Cause, T.C. T24R1ES19
Witherspoon, J.M. T24R1ES19
Thaxton, J.A. T24R1ES20
Davis, E.F. T24R1ES20
Whitwell, P.E. T24R1ES20
Atkinson, A.J. T24R1ES20
Atkinson, D.M. T24R1ES20
Ark, W.J. T24R1ES20
Ponder, A.S. T24R1ES21
Davies, W.T. T24R1ES21
Thaxten, J.A. T24R1ES21
Randel, M.E. T24R1ES21
Doniphan Lumber Co. T24R1ES21
Missouri Lumber Co T24R1ES21
Camp, V.P. T24R1ES22
Doniphan Lumber Co. T24R1ES22
Hunter & Grandin T24R1ES22
Cupples, D. T24R1ES23
Doniphan Lumber Co. T24R1ES23
C.S. & L. Co T24R1ES24
Thaxton, H.C. T24R1ES24
Boyles, J. T24R1ES24
Dons Lumber Co. T24R1ES24
Johnson, G. T24R1ES25
Doniphan Lumber Co. T24R1ES25
Doniphan Lumber Co. T24R1ES26
Doniphan Lumber Co. T24R1ES27
Randel, M.E. T24R1ES28
Doniphan Lumber Co. T24R1ES28
Iowa, W.C. T24R1ES29
Milligan, J.C. T24R1ES29
Harris, P.J. T24R1ES29
Missouri Lumber Co T24R1ES29
C.S. & L. Co T24R1ES29
Richardson, T.R. T24R1ES30
Missouri Lumber Co T24R1ES30
Perkins, W.H. T24R1ES30
Sparks, J.T. T24R1ES30
Datable, H.P. T24R1ES30
Weatherspoon, J.R. T24R1ES31
Logan, J. T24R1ES31
Perkins, W.H. T24R1ES31
C.D.Lumber Co. T24R1ES31
Missouri Lumber Co T24R1ES31
Hunter & Grandin T24R1ES32
Culberston, W.C. T24R1ES33
Hunter & Grandin T24R1ES33
Doniphan Lumber Co. T24R1ES34
Rush, H.D. T24R1ES35
Neal T24R1ES35
Doniphan Lumber Co. T24R1ES35
Foust, Lewis T24R1ES36
D.P.B T24R1ES36
Mo. R & L. Co. T24R1ES36
Culberston, W.C. T24R1ES36
Township 24 Range 3 East
Missouri Lumber T24R3E1
Robert Lomax
Mike Rodgers T24R3E2
Mo. Co. T24R3E2
R. B. Rodgers T24R3E2
Rodgers T24R3E3
Mo. Lumber Co. T24R3E3
J.P. Brown T24R3E4
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T24R3E4
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T24R3E5
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T24R3E6
John Potter T24R3E7
Mrs P.A. McKague T24R3E7
C.S. & L. Co. T24R3E7
M.J. Way T24R3E8
J.N. Lowery T24R3E8
C.S. & L. Co.
W. Smith T24R3E8
M.E. Gibson T24R3E8
John Patterson T24R3E9
C.S. & L. Co. T24R3E9
W.L.Co. T24R3E9
W. C. Emmons T24R3E9
Jane Emmons T24R3E9
Thos. McKinney T24R3E9
Geo. Tower Est. T24R3E9
Emmons T24R3E10
Thom.McKinney T24R3E10
Geo. Stephens T24R3E10
J. Thomas T24R3E10
W.L.Co. T24R3E10
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T24R3E11
Wm. C. Emmons T24R3E11
A.H. Nollner T24R3E12
John Murphey T24R3E12
Emmons T24R3E12
W.M. & Co. T24R3E12
John Murphey T24R3E13
Jo. R. Crouse T24R3E13
Charles Miller T24R3E13
J. S. Stephens T24R3E13
C.S. & L. Co. T24R3E13
Mo. Lumber Co. T24R3E13
Thos. Carr T24R3E14
W.L.Co. T24R3E14
W.C. Culbertson T24R3E14
Tower T24R3E14
C.S. & L. Co. T24R3E15
Geo. Tower Est. T24R3E15
McKinney T24R3E15
W.L.Co. T24R3E15
Mary & Jno. Patterson T24R3E15
John B Freeman T24R3E16
J.K. Langford T24R3E16
Mckinney T24R3E16
J.H. Moses T24R3E17
W. C. Emmons T24R3E17
Fielden Bailey T24R3E17
W.C.C. T24R3E17
J.T.Keith T24R3E17
John B Freeman T24R3E17
Jno. Crow T24R3E17
J. N. Lowery T24R3E17
V. F. Porter T24R3E18
Mo. Lumber Co. T24R3E18
W.L.Co. T24R3E19
Mo. Lumber Co. T24R3E19
J.T. Newkirk T24R3E19
M.E. Martin T24R3E19
Sarah Newkirk T24R3E19
James Evans T24R3E19
E. Carlyle T24R3E19
J. T. Kines T24R3E19
J.H. Davis T24R3E20
C.S. & L. Co. T24R3E20
E. Carlyle T24R3E20
G.G. Davis T24R3E20
Geo. Newkirk Est. T24R3E20
W.H. Keith T24R3E21
W.L.Co. T24R3E21
Thos. McKinney T24R3E21
G.G. Davis T24R3E21
P.E.Hinklin T24R3E22
DPD T24R3E22
Edward Morely T24R3E22
C.S. & L. Co. T24R3E22
Willis McKinney T24R3E22
W.C.C. T24R3E23
J.W. Stephens T24R3E23
McClusky T24R3E23
Thos. Carr T24R3E23
J.C. Cartwright T24R3E23
Dewight T24R3E23
C.S. & L. Co. T24R3E24
W. L. Co T24R3E24
Stephens T24R3E24
Cartwright T24R3E24
Patrick Kennedy T24R3E24
S. & C. T24R3E25
E.S. Sheppard T24R3E25
F.W. Folk T24R3E25
J. N. Pennington T24R3E25
W.J. Culbertson T24R3E25
D.P. Bacon T24R3E26
F.W. Folk T24R3E26
W.L.Co. T24R3E26
Phillips Investment Co. T24R3E26
Phillips Investment Co. T24R3E27
Willis McKinney T24R3E27
W.L.Co. T24R3E27
Thos. Carr T24R3E28
Jos. F. York T24R3E28
J.C. Stephens T24R3E28
Martin T24R3E28
W.S. Martin T24R3E29
Rodney Broshears T24R3E29
Phillips Investment Co. T24R3E29
Isaac Jones T24R3E29
Sarah Newkirk T24R3E30
H.O. Meek T24R3E30
Jos. Carr T24R3E30
Victoria Reeves T24R3E30
Eli L Fann T24R3E30
Jos Carlyle T24R3E30
A.W. Johnson T24R3E31
Samuel Stovall T24R3E31
J.M. Faust T24R3E31
Lizzie Sanos T24R3E31
J.W. French T24R3E31
Nannit McClure T24R3E31
J.U. Foster T24R3E31
G.E. French T24R3E31
L.B. French T24R3E31
Fabias Herbig T24R3E32
W.H. Richardson T24R3E32
C.C. McCauley T24R3E32
A. Kneaber T24R3E32
O.F. Dennis T24R3E33
A. Kneaber T24R3E33
H.A. Heaussler T24R3E34
A. Schutte T24R3E34
W. Showe T24R3E35
D.C. Kittridge T24R3E35
D.E. Fraguis T24R3E35
H.M. McKinney T24R3E35
G.H. Greer T24R3E35
J.S. Brown T24R3E35
E. W. Shown T24R3E35
W.C. Culbertson T24R3E36
J.S. Brown T24R3E36
B. Mosher T24R3E36
E. W. Shown T24R3E36
Phillips Investment Co. T24R3E36
J.W. Wyman
Township 24 Range 4 East
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co T24R4ES4
Barbier, James T24R4ES4
Sweeney, Chas. T24R4ES4
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co T24R4ES5
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co T24R4ES6
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co T24R4ES7
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co T24R4ES8
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co T24R4ES9
Brannan, F.H. T24R4ES9
Culbertson, W.C. T24R4ES9
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co T24R4ES16
Shepperd, J.S. T24R4ES17
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co T24R4ES18
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co T24R4ES18
Wright, T.L. T24R4ES18
Enders, Gus T24R4ES19
C.S. & L. Co. T24R4ES19
Wright, T.L. T24R4ES20
W.L. Co T24R4ES20
Wright, T.L. T24R4ES20
Rife, G.H. T24R4ES20
Godfrey, Christian T24R4ES20
Culbertson, W.C. T24R4ES20
Campfield, U.G. T24R4ES21
C.S. & L. Co. T24R4ES21
W.L. Co T24R4ES21
Phillips Investment Co T24R4ES21
Hiatt, J.S. T24R4ES28
Vaugoor, M T24R4ES28
Brown, Jas.J. T24R4ES28
Phillips Investment Co T24R4ES28
Slayton, B.W. T24R4ES28
Slayton, J.C. T24R4ES28
Page, Jeff G. T24R4ES28
W.L. Co T24R4ES28
D.P.B. T24R4ES28
Wright, T.L. T24R4ES29
Whitworth, W.H. T24R4ES29
Rife, G.H. T24R4ES29
Culbertson, W.C. T24R4ES29
Beall, L.D. T24R4ES29
Penningtion, J.N. T24R4ES30
Culbertson, W.C. T24R4ES30
Car? College T24R4ES30
Richardson, T.J. T24R4ES30
Phillips Investment Co T24R4ES30
Phillips Investment Co T24R4ES31
Northrup, E.J. T24R4ES31
Beall, L.D. T24R4ES31
Garland, W.J. T24R4ES32
Hayes, J.D. T24R4ES32
White, R.W. T24R4ES32
Sullivan, S.L. T24R4ES32
Woolard, W.H. T24R4ES32
Sullivan, S.L. T24R4ES32
Woolard, W.H. T24R4ES32
McDaniel, John est T24R4ES32
Hattu?, R.C. T24R4ES32
Benight, H? T24R4ES33
Garland, Henry T24R4ES33
Garland, W.J. T24R4ES33
Goetling, Phillip T24R4ES33
Page, Jeff G. T24R4ES33
Phillips Investment Co T24R4ES33
Township 25 Range 2 East
C.S. & L. Co. T25R2ES19
Jordan, John T25R2ES19
Markham, J. & H. T25R2ES19
Hood, B.F. T25R2ES19
Jordon, Smith T25R2ES19
Hunt?, M. T25R2ES19
,John N. T25R2ES19
Hazen, M.M. T25R2ES20
Jordan, Adam T25R2ES20
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R2ES20
Abbott, Mary C. T25R2ES20
Jordan, Elain T25R2ES20
Swim Austin T25R2ES20
Shinn, Levi T25R2ES20
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R2ES21
Weedman?, D.S. T25R2ES21
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R2ES22
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R2ES23
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R2ES24
Mckinney, Thomas H. T25R2ES24
Armstrong, W.A. T25R2ES24
Smelser, H.H. T25R2ES24
Mckinney, H.R. T25R2ES24
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R2ES25
McKinney, W.R. T25R2ES25
Miller, W.T. T25R2ES25
Walker, W.T. T25R2ES25
Patterson, William T25R2ES25
Boor, S.A. T25R2ES25
Young, Donia L. T25R2ES25
Smelser, ? T25R2ES25
Tower, Geo. F. est T25R2ES26
Emil, Wm T25R2ES26
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R2ES26
Tower, Geo. F. est T25R2ES27
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R2ES28
Thompson, N.M. T25R2ES28
Thompson, Ben T25R2ES28
McKinney, G.W. T25R2ES28
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R2ES28
Jordan, Smith T25R2ES29
Mckinney, Thomas H. T25R2ES29
Lacy, W.A. T25R2ES29
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R2ES29
Tower, Geo. F. est T25R2ES30
Jordan, need? T25R2ES30
Hood, B.F. T25R2ES30
Reeves, John T25R2ES30
Lassen, Allie T25R2ES30
Tower, Geo. F. est T25R2ES31
McKinney, Thomas A. T25R2ES31
McDowell, G.M. T25R2ES32
McDowell, W.D. T25R2ES32
McKinney, James T25R2ES32
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R2ES32
Bounds, Sarah T25R2ES33
McKinney, Thomas T25R2ES33
Thompson, T.D. T25R2ES33
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R2ES33
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R2ES34
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R2ES35
Ezell, Thomas T25R2ES35
Tower, Geo. F. est T25R2ES35
N.Y. Rods? T25R2ES36
Ezell, Thomas T25R2ES36
Boor, E T25R2ES36
Young, Donia L. T25R2ES36
Sharf, Delitha T25R2ES36
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R2ES36
Township 25 Range 3 East
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R3ES19
Smelser, H.H. T25R3ES19
Smelser, M.P. T25R3ES19
McKinney, W.R. T25R3ES19
Rogers, W.J. T25R3ES19
Gibbons Henry T25R3ES19
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R3ES20
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R3ES21
Richmond, J.B.R. T25R3ES21
Stephens, J.C. T25R3ES21
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R3ES22
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R3ES23
Fetteroff, S.B. T25R3ES23
Stone, Dan'l T25R3ES23
Collins, Jesse T25R3ES24
Smelser, H.H. T25R3ES24
Irvine, John T25R3ES24
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R3ES24
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R3ES25
C.S. & L. Co. T25R3ES25
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R3ES26
Fetteroff, S.B. T25R3ES26
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R3ES27
Richmond, J.W.R. T25R3ES27
Richmond, John T25R3ES27
Stephens, J.C. T25R3ES28
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R3ES28
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R3ES29
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R3ES30
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R3ES31
Odon, Dempsy T25R3ES31
Mabrey, R.S. T25R3ES31
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R3ES32
McKinney, John T25R3ES32
McKague, R.M. T25R3ES32
M ,Robt. T25R3ES32
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R3ES33
Maulfair, Christian T25R3ES33
Fry, Samuel T25R3ES33
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R3ES34
Ashcraft, A.J. T25R3ES34
Rodgers, R.B. T25R3ES34
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R3ES35
Rodgers, R.B. T25R3ES35
Vickroy, E.S. T25R3ES35
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R3ES36
Vickroy, E.S. T25R3ES36
Township 25 Range 4 East
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R4ES19
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R4ES20
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R4ES21
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R4ES28
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R4ES29
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R4ES30
Allin, John T25R4ES30
C.S. & L. Co. T25R4ES30
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R4ES31
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R4ES32
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co. T25R4ES33

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purpose without express written consent of the owner of the material.